Echocardia is a high quality open educational resource for echocardiography founded to train, educate, inform and bring together everyone interested in echocardiography.
Echocardia was founded by Prof. Dr. Markus Niemann and Prof. Dr. Edgar Seemann.
No, you don´t have to pay us anything to use echocardia for your personal education. You are not allowed to use the content on echocardia for any commercial activities.
We, the founders of echocardia, Markus and Edgar believe, that most started "something with medicine", because they wanted to help others. And so do we.
We instituted an editorial and advisory board to ensure the highest quality possible. Moreover we closely collaborate with leading echocardiography laboratories.
Prof. Dr. med. Michel Zuber, FESC
Senior Consultant Cardiology
University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. med. Markus Niemann
Furtwangen University, Germany
University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. med. Michel Zuber
University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. med. Felix Tanner
University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. med. Simon Stämpfli
Heart center Luzern, Luzerner Kantonsspital
Prof. Dr. med. Rolf Jenni
University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
Dr. med. Christian Kirsch
St. Josefs-Hospital Salzkotten, echo-expert with own echo blog
Dr. med. Moritz Huttelmaier
University Hospital Würzburg, Germany
Contributors of individual cases and copyright holders of individual images / clips are listed separately in the corresponding chapters.
As said, echocardia is an open platform. We invite everyone to contribute to echocardia. If you have interesting images, videos, texts or other project or e-learning ideas or want to become an editor or cooperating echo laboratory, please feel free to contact us via
We have built echocardia on our own expenses. In order to keep echocardia running and free, we are also looking for more donators or sponsors to cover the expenses necessary for operating this community. If you want to become a sponsor, contact us via
Please contact our team via